Dingzhu Wen (文鼎柱)

Ph.D. | Assistant Professor (Ph. D Candidates Supervisor)
School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University
Email: wendzh@shanghaitech.edu.cn

Welcome to Join My Group!
Dr. Wen’s group recruits postdoctoral fellows, doctoral students, master students, visiting scholars, and visiting students all year round. If you are interested, please email to Dr. Wen.

Research Topics

  • Edge Artificial Intelligence
  • Integrated Sensing-Communication-Computation
  • Task-Oriented Communications


  • Dr. Wen will co-organize IEEE PIMRC 2024 Workshop on Task-Oriented and Pragmatic Communications for 6G. (Workshop Homepage)
  • Dr. Wen co-organized ASSIST 2024 Session 6: Intelligent Communication, Sensing, and Decision-Making. (Website)
  • Dr. Wen co-organized IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop on Task-Oriented and Generative Communications for 6G. (Workshop Homepage)
  • The paper titled with “Hierarchical Federated Learning over Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks” was awarded IEEE GlobeCom Workshop Best Paper.
  • Dr. Wen was awarded Excellent Mentor of ShanghaiTech University on 2023/11/8.
  • Dr. Wen co-organized IEEE VTC 2023-Fall Workshop on Task-Oriented Communications and Networking for 6G. (Workshop Homepage)
  • Dr. Wen co-organized IEEE PIMRC 2023 Workshop on Edge Learning for 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond. (Workshop Homepage)
  • Dr. Wen was awarded Shanghai Overseas High-Level Talent Program (上海海外高层次人才计划) in 2023.
  • Dr. Wen received Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Communications in 2022. (Top 5% of all reviewers)
  • Dr. Wen co-organized IEEE GlobeCom 2022 Tutorial on Edge Artificial Intelligence for 6G: Scalability, Trustworthiness, and Applications. (Details)

Work Experience

  • Dec. 2021 - Present: Assitant Professor, School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University

Education Experience

  • B.S. in Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, 2014
  • M.S. in College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, 2017
  • Ph.D in Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, 2021